Which Baigou luggage processing factory is more reliable

by:Evercredit     2021-03-26
Baigou is a deputy county-level organizational town under the jurisdiction of Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province, and a well-known commercial town in northern China. The luggage industry is the leading industry in Baigou. For more than 30 years, it has developed from scratch, from small to large, and from weak to strong. It has formed a surrounding area that radiates 6 counties (cities), 55 towns, and more than 500 natural villages. , The regional characteristic industry cluster with more than 1 million employees is one of the ten regional characteristic industries in Hebei Province.   Baigou is one of the three largest luggage production bases in China, and is known as the 'Luggage Capital of China'. Baigou bags are sold to large, medium and small cities across the country, and exported to more than 130 countries and regions such as Russia, France, and Australia. It is a well-known production and sales base for bags. In 2012, the total output of Baigou luggage has exceeded 750 million, with a total output value of more than 10 billion yuan. Which Baigou luggage processing factory is more reliable? In Baigou Industrial Cluster, there are more than 350 large-scale luggage production enterprises and more than 3,000 small-scale enterprises. There are 50 categories of products, nearly one million varieties of colors, and more than one million luggage registered trademarks. More than 1,400. At present, Baigou luggage processing plants can be described as numerous. If you want to find a suitable luggage processing plant, you should consider the qualifications, strength, characteristics, reputation, etc., and choose a luggage processing plant that is more reliable in all aspects.  Baigou luggage industry mainly trades in volume, pursuing scale efficiency and small profits but quick turnover. It is recognized as a low-price luggage production base, which is one of the main advantages of Baigou luggage industry. However, you get what you pay for, and the low price will inevitably lead to the inability to guarantee the quality. If you have high quality requirements, you can also choose a luggage processing factory in Fujian, such as luggage. Founded in 2004, Luggage is an old luggage processing factory that has been in business for more than ten years. It has served many well-known companies and has a good reputation and trustworthy!
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