What process is good for backpack custom LOGO?

by:Evercredit     2021-03-22
Entering the era of'customization', the same kind of backpacks have made people boring, and personalized customized backpacks are the mainstream. When purchasing corporate gifts, many large and medium-sized companies prefer to choose personalized customized backpacks, which can be used as employee benefits or used in promotional activities. Corporate custom backpacks often need to include the brand LOGO in order to promote the brand image. So, do you know what process to choose for the backpack custom LOGO?    In order to promote the corporate image, it is understandable that LOOG is printed when customizing the backpack. However, if the custom LOGO of the backpack is not coordinated, it will not only affect the appearance, but even damage the corporate image. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when customizing the LOGO of the backpack, and decide which craft to choose according to the style design and size of the backpack and the design characteristics of the company's own LOGO.   A nice and exquisite LOGO can add a lot of color to the backpack. Common custom LOGO crafts for backpacks include embroidery, silk-screen printing, Epoxy badges, hardware badges, etc. Different production processes have different effects on display. Generally speaking, the size of embroidery LOGO should be moderate to ensure the embroidery density (the number of stitches should be enough). Silk-screen LOGO is more suitable for a single-color LOGO. Epoxy brand LOGO requires a large number of customization. Hardware brand LOGO is usually high-end and can present the finishing touch. effect. Backpack customization Look for luggage and bags. Luggage has focused on luggage customization for more than ten years. It has rich experience in luggage processing and production. The core production team has an average industry experience of more than 10 years. The factory is fully equipped and has independent design and development capabilities. It specializes in customizing personalized backpacks for customers. , Has served many big-name companies, good reputation is trustworthy!
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