What aspects should be paid attention to when making travel backpacks

by:Evercredit     2021-03-20
In the tourism industry, in order to expand their reputation and increase market share, many travel companies will customize travel backpacks that can express their own characteristics for their customers, so that they can travel and play. However, because many travel companies are not professionals, they are prone to some mistakes when customizing travel backpacks, resulting in backpacks that cannot meet the travel needs of customers well. For this reason, let’s make 14 years of professional custom-made backpacks. The manufacturer tells everyone what aspects should be paid attention to when ordering travel backpacks? Let's take a look. 1. The choice of travel backpack material is very important. Travel backpacks have relatively high quality requirements, and travel backpacks are mostly used for travel. Therefore, when choosing backpack materials, you must pay attention to choosing wear-resistant, waterproof, and lightweight materials. The quality of the backpack will be better, and if a good quality backpack is given to the customer, it can also leave a good impression on the customer. 2. Travel backpacks can be designed according to the company's travel routes. The capacity of travel backpacks is large or small. Different travel routes have different play time, and the number of items that tourists need to pack is also different. Therefore, when a travel company customizes a travel backpack It can be designed according to different tourist routes. For example, you can customize a backpack with a smaller capacity for the route with a shorter travel time, and you can customize a backpack or a trolley with a larger capacity for the route with a longer travel time. Service, let customers feel their own high-quality service.  3. The customization of travel backpacks is to determine the quantity and budget.    Most luggage customization factories have a minimum order quantity requirement. If the minimum order quantity is not reached, the factory usually does not accept the order. At the same time, the factory's quotation depends on the quantity. The more the number of custom-made travel backpacks, the more favorable the price. And if the fabric or size of the travel backpack is different, the price will be different. Therefore, to clarify the number and budget of the travel backpack, you can ask the luggage customization factory to choose the appropriate fabric and size according to the budget, and even give more suggestions. . At the same time, before placing an order for the travel backpack, you must explain your customization requirements to the factory, so as not to be bad if the product is not in the right version.  Travel company travel backpacks are customized to find luggage. Luggage has focused on luggage customization business for 14 years. It has a professional design and production team with rich production experience. It is good at customizing personalized and creative travel backpacks for various travel companies, and provides the most suitable travel backpack formulation plan.
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